The school year is winding down and the children have worked very hard all year, now is the time to show off the results. So this week (Grandma takes a deep breath) on Monday night I got to watch three grand daughters at their swim class. Wednesday morning, Thursday morning and Thursday night there were concerts: Band, Orchestra and Chorus. Thursday morning was also the final class of pre-k swim, so I watched a three year old grand daughter and a four year old grand son swim the length of a full sized pool that doesn’t have even one spot where the kids can touch the floor and keep their heads above water. Since this class is scheduled after my own water aerobics class, I get to watch most weeks, but I still have my heart in my mouth.
Friday was ~TADA~ Special Persons Day. And since the three other grandparents were all out of town, my son and I had to cover all bases. I did pretty well in first grade. The teacher read The Very Hungry Caterpiller by Eric Carle. I paid attention which was a good thing because there were questions. Fortunately the first graders knew the anwers so the Special Person grown-ups didn’t look dopey by getting something wrong.
Then we drew pictures. I got to draw a leaf and a cocoon, which is also called a chrysalis. It was supposed to be brown but we didn’t have a brown crayon so we used an orange crayon and a gray crayon to make brown. Pretty smart, huh?
So there I was, at the top of my game. Survived first grade, feeling pretty good. But then I went to fifth grade where my oldest grandchild toils all day. The teacher had circles on the board that I remember were scary in college math. Fortunately, we were using them for a story exercise and since the teacher figured the grown ups were out of our league, she wisely let only the kids talk.
Then each child read a poem that he or she had written. At the end, my grand daughter gave me another poem, one she wrote just for me.
Great cookie buyer
Realistic author
Author of The Awareness
Natural hugger
Dad’s Mom
Marvelous grandma
Also has a wonderful personality.
What a great week! And soon we will be celebrating school olympics day complete with a parade, floats made by each class and lots of olympic games. The good news is I don’t have to compete.