Okay, if like me you wait until the very last minute to buy your Halloween Candy. (I can’t nibble on what’s not in the house!) You may be surprised to find that there is an entire list of treats that just don’t make the cut, and, according to this article in the Huffington Post, the most disliked treat is..TA DA! Candy Corn!
While you may be surprised to learn that Candy Corn tops the “least wanted” list, I was not. That’s because the day before I read the HuffPo article, I got a memo from Grandchild number three, a not-quite-ten-year-old. She had this to say:
Nobody likes candy corn!
I wouldn’t even eat that candy and take my word for it I eat all types of candy. Who would eat that plastic waxy tasting orange and white triangle candy. There is only one reason and one reason only that people buy that candy to give out on Halloween is that it is as cheap as dirt, so let me give you advice if you want your house to be a hit on Halloween don’t give out candy corn.
Before I dash off to the store to buy anything but candy corn, I have to admit that dear granddaughter sent me this memo in fancy type and with a gorgeous graphic but I couldn’t reproduce either one for your viewing pleasure.
Happy Halloween!
The post Halloween…Candy Corn appeared first on Women of Mystery.